Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week 2 Post

This past week has been pretty relaxed and fun as far as my job for Visions5. Last Thursday the web and PR groups came together and discussed three possible campaign themes. They ended up being pretty awesome, and there is a lot of potential in all of them. I am particularly excited about one of them. I’m pretty sure that we are presenting those next week to the class, so stay tuned for that reveal!
As web designer, I have been working on a mockup for my website theme, and have been designing that in Photoshop. This will aid in my presentation next week. I have been completing two courses in Digital Tutors (DT) to enhance my knowledge of Photoshop as it pertains to Web Design. The first DT course is simply how to create mockups of websites in Photoshop correctly so that you can export design assets directly from that mockup and into a Dreamweaver file. This goes over formatting, and aspect ratios for most screens to insure your mockup is compatible with the max number of computers it will eventually reach. The second DT course is simply meant to teach viewers the proper way to export images for the web. I am thinking of having the entire web team and possibly the PR team watch this hour long course. Last year it was a major problem when people exported incorrect dimensions, file sizes, or pixel densities. More than once I have to re-export an image due to blurriness, compatibility, or another similar issue.  Avoiding this could really increase workflow and productivity.
Also, I have continued to enhance my knowledge of coding. I learned the basics and some intermediate skills about HTML and CSS last year. This year I am switching the entire website over to HTML5 with a focus on accessibility. This means that it will hopefully look good no matter what screen size people have… A.K.A. MOBILE DEVICES WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE FULL FUNCTIONALITY OF THE SITE, which was a complaint from last year. LASTLY! And I am excited about this one, I have been working to learn interactivity coding using jQuery and JavaScript. What the heck does that mean? It means that we are going to have really awesome looking transitions, animations, and possibly even a cool twist to our website if we choose my theme next week. Again, you’ll have to wait for the presentation, but get excited because the website is about to get the biggest upgrade in looks and professionalism it has ever seen!
So basically I am making sure right now that I am as knowledgeable as possible to set this team up with proper practices, good workflow and pipeline productivity, and a killer website to showcase all that hard work.

P.S. I will be giving Shawn his first assignment today, 9 September 2014, which will start him off simply and gear him up for taking over my position in the fall. (more details to come)

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